Snark: to annoy or irritate

"Snark" has been in English language dictionaries since at least 1906, and Lewis Carroll used the word to describe a mythological animal in his poem, The Hunting of the Snark (1874). Most recently, the word has come to characterize snappish, sarcastic, or mean-spirited comments or actions directed at those who annoy or irritate us.

At first, this blog was just going be a place to gripe, but because it's more satisfying to take action than it is to merely complain, now most of the posts/reposts suggest ways to get involved in solving problems.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Paycheck Fairness Act Update

AAUW Condemns Today's Procedural Defeat of the Paycheck 
Fairness Act
Senate Misses Opportunity to Take a Bite Out of 
the Pay Gap

WASHINGTON -- The American Association of University Women 
(AAUW) sharply criticized today's procedural defeat of the Paycheck 
Fairness Act by a 58-41 vote in the U.S. Senate. The Senate's 
rejection of the bill comes despite widespread support of the 
legislation from the White House and ordinary Americans 
committed to basic fairness and equality.

"This was a missed opportunity to make history and jump start real 
economic change for American women and their families," said 
AAUW Executive Director Linda D. Hallman, CAE. "While the 
Senate's action is difficult to comprehend given the stark reality that 
most families depend on the paychecks of women, our effort to 
close the pay gap is far from over."

On average, women still make only 77 cents for every dollar men 
earn. By some estimates women could lose between $500,000 
and $1 million over a 40-year career. In higher-paying fields, such 
as law, the wage gap can result in even greater lifetime losses. 
AAUW's report Behind the Pay Gap controlled for factors known 
to affect earnings such as education and training, parenthood, 
and hours worked and found that college-educated women still 
earn less than men --- despite the same major and occupation 
as their male counterparts.

"What's especially frustrating is that this critical bill became a 
victim of arcane Senate rules," said Lisa Maatz, AAUW director 
of public policy and government relations. "This de facto filibuster
 of fair pay by Senate Republicans ensured that we never got to 
a debate on the bill's merits. Strategically, I can't blame them --- 
they can't win a fair fight against pay equity."

The Paycheck Fairness Act (S. 182/S. 3772) would have 
updated the landmark Equal Pay Act of 1963 by closing loopholes, 
strengthening incentives to prevent pay discrimination, and 
prohibiting retaliation against workers who inquire about 
employers' wage practices or disclose their own wages.

"If we had just a few more senators voting with the courage of 
their convictions, we'd be debating this bill rather than writing 
its epitaph for the 111th Congress," Maatz continued. "While we 
are deeply troubled by the vote, we know that we'll eventually win 
this fight. AAUW stands on a rich, century-old tradition of advocacy. 
Our members are not easily deterred and are deeply proud of our 
history of accomplishments. AAUW has played a leading role in 
some of the nation's most important public policy successes in 
the areas of family friendly workplaces, education, and pay equity."

AAUW is widely credited with keeping pay equity on the nation's 
radar. Behind the Pay Gap redefined the debate on pay equity 
and reenergized the drive to pass needed pay equity legislation. 
This leadership helped to set the stage for the adoption of the 
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in January 2009, the first bill signed 
into law by President Barack Obama.

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) 
advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, 
education, philanthropy, and research. Since 1881, AAUW 
has been one of the nation's leading voices promoting education 
and equity for women and girls. AAUW has a nationwide network 
of more than 100,000 members and donors, 1,000 branches, and 
500 college/university institutional partners. Since AAUW's 
founding 129 years ago, members have examined and taken 
positions on the fundamental issues of the day --- educational, 
social, economic, and political. AAUW's commitment to 
educational equity is reflected in our public policy advocacy, 
community programs, leadership development, conventions and 
conferences, national partnerships, and international connections.

[i] Polling data released this year by the Paycheck Fairness Act Coalition, of which AAUW is 
a key leader, showed that 84 percent of voters supported fair pay in the workplace.
[ii] AAUW. (April 23, 2007). Behind the Pay Gap.
AAUW Breaking through Barriers

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