Snark: to annoy or irritate

"Snark" has been in English language dictionaries since at least 1906, and Lewis Carroll used the word to describe a mythological animal in his poem, The Hunting of the Snark (1874). Most recently, the word has come to characterize snappish, sarcastic, or mean-spirited comments or actions directed at those who annoy or irritate us.

At first, this blog was just going be a place to gripe, but because it's more satisfying to take action than it is to merely complain, now most of the posts/reposts suggest ways to get involved in solving problems.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ban Toxic Triclosan

Take action!
Triclosan is a germ-killing chemical used in a stunning array of consumer products. I recently discovered it in my own hand soap. It's likely in yours, too — or in your toothpaste, deodorant, dish soap or even tissues.1
The problem is, triclosan doesn't just kill germs. It's also toxic for people. It disrupts hormones, lowers sperm production and weakens the immune system. And its use is so widespread, it has accumulated in most of our bodies.2
Restrictions on triclosan have been enacted in the EU and Canada. Now the EPA is also considering a ban on the use of this dangerous chemical.
Despite its substantial health and environmental risks, Triclosan isn't any better at killing germs than regular soap. Numerous studies have found that triclosan soaps are no more effective than regular soap at preventing illness or reducing bacterial levels on the hands.3
The danger from Triclosan isn't limited to our homes. It washes down the drain and enters drinking water sources, lakes and rivers where it is converted by sunlight into cancer-causing dioxins.
Still, the powerful chemical industry has successfully promoted widespread use of Triclosan, and so far avoided increased EPA regulation.
Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager 
1. "Products containing Triclosan," Beyond Pesticides
2. "
National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, February 28, 2011
3. "
Triclosan No Better than Plain Soap," Environmental Working Group

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